カリフォルニア大学ロサンジェルス校のSanford Jacoby教授よりLERA Winter Meetingについての案内を社会政策学会会員にも知らせてほしいとの連絡がありました。Jacoby教授のメッセージとプログラムのURLについての案内を下記します。
The Labor and Employment Relations Association will hold its winter meeting in San Francisco from January 3-5th. We meet there as part of the Allied Social Sciences Association, an umbrella for over 50 organizations of which the American Economic Association is the largest. LERA was created by a group of economists who felt the need for a different approach to labor and employment policy than was being offered by the AEA after the war. That need still exists today.
At LERA/ASSA you will find interesting sessions on a range of important public policy issues. This year’s program committee worked very hard to offer sessions that will be attractive to our members and to potential new LERA members.
Please have a look at our program.
If you like what you see, please register.
Sanford M. Jacoby